Intersectionality and prophecy: restoring balance on Earth together

Prophecy is customarily an oral tradition kept safe by tribal Elders, who have protected this wisdom throughout colonization for the times we are in now. Indigenous groups, communities and collectives are doing the work to honour these prophecies, which are surprisingly similar across Indigenous Nations around the world – even those with no contact with each other. These prophecies are communications from the spiritual realms that are meant to provide guidance about how to live in balance with Mother Earth. In Indigenous culture, prophecy is not an idea or imagination, but rather the truth of what was told and foretold that is unfolding. 

Science communication: just as important as science

If you don’t communicate the science, you may as well never have done it. An important responsibility for any scientist is sharing their passion for their work and its relevance to society. This means effectively communicating with other scientists both within and outside their field, but also the general public or the layperson. Why should […]

Hermeticism: the nexus between science, philosophy and spirit

Last week, I summarized the history of alchemy in Europe, the Middle East, India and China. Alchemy is tradition spanning millennia that influenced the development of modern chemistry, medicine, philosophy and psychology. Western alchemy blends Greek, Egyptian, Islamic and Jewish traditions, and is a branch of Hermetic philosophy, which is based on the works of […]

Dreams and visions in scientific innovation  

  “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” – Albert Einstein Scientists and researchers spend over two decades in school learning to identify problems, design projects, construct experiments, collect data, conduct literature reviews, calculate, […]

Can knowledge come from within? or A brief history of knowledge

In modern day, the most credible way to understand nature and the universe is through science. Science is defined as: “the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.” (Oxford Dictionary) The root of the word science originates from the latin, scientia, which means knowledge. Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through […]